For More Inquiries, Please Call: 202-903-2453 Email:

ADDRESS: 1112 11th Street NW , Washington, DC 20001

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a woman and man on the wheel chair

Superior Caring Hands LLC (SCH) support individuals with developmental disabilities as they make choices about their lives and play roles in their communities. We encourage individuals with disabilities to explore what they want out of life and pilot their own journeys, whether it’s finding a job, participating in volunteering, or being a part of the community.

Our Mission

We at Superior Caring Hands LLC (SCH) believe that people with disabilities, given the right opportunities, can be fully integrated into mainstream society and the workforce.

We understand that in today’s modern workplace, individuals with disabilities face some challenges. Our mission is to assist individuals with disabilities to locate employment by developing and maintaining close relationships with local businesses and to assist individual served to become tax-paying citizens and to reduce their reliance on entitlement programs.

SCH will provide high-quality, individualized education and employment services that will prepare individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities in the District of Columbia for successful re-entry into the workforce community. Our mission is to provide services to individuals with disabilities to maximize their employment, independence, and integration into the community and competitive labor market.

Our goal

Superior Caring Hands LLC’s (SCH) goal is to develop and implement comprehensive and coordinated services for individuals with disabilities through services, training, and employment opportunities in order to maximize their employability, independence, and integration into the workforce and the community to help them prepare for securing, regaining, or retaining employment. Our goal is to assist the individuals we serve to live a fulfilling and active life.
We partner and collaborate with organizations, government agencies, local communities, and churches to make sure individuals achieve educational goals which are implemented through wellness and successful employment and fulfilling career goals.

Types of Services

Superior Caring Hands LLC (SCH) offers different services which emphasize on Training and Education, Skill building, job readiness, and placement. Our services include but not do not limit to the following:

  • Intake and Assessment (Our intake and assessment are conducted by appointment and walk-ins)
  • Job Readiness
  • Job placement
  • Resume Writing
  • Interviewing Techniques
  • Employment Follow-up and Counseling
  • Resume Writing
  • Job Coaching/Job Retention

Superior Caring Hands is committed to providing excellent and quality services for individuals served. Please call us for more information. We look forward to assisting you and your family with your employment goals.

Service Eligibility

To be eligible for Medicaid reimbursement of all our services, the services will be identified in the person’s ISP, Plan of Care and Summary of Supports for each person enrolled in the Waiver, and each person will:

  • Demonstrate a need for non-medical support and supervision at home or in the community; and
  • Have the service recommended by the person’s support team, after having considered the appropriateness of other waiver services and the staffing ratio, if any, in the person’s home.

Please click on the video below to watch and understand Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) Services.

Please go to this YouTube link: RSA eligibility and intake process.