For More Inquiries, Please Call: 202-903-2453 Email:

ADDRESS: 1112 11th Street NW , Washington, DC 20001

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We ensure the betterment of your overall health and well-being.

Our Host-Home (HH)services will enable persons to retain or improve skills related to: health, activities of daily living, money management, community mobility, recreation, cooking, shopping, use of community resources, community safety, and to develop other adaptive skills needed to live in the community.

Our Host-Home Services include:

caregiver with her patient

  • Assistance with homemaking tasks such as food preparation and laundering clothes that are specific to the needs of the person
  • Training and support in activities of daily living and independent living skills
  • Assistance in performing personal care tasks
  • Training and support on understanding and utilizing community resources
  • Support to build community membership
  • Support community exploration aimed at discovery of new and emerging interests and preferences, and new relationships
  • Training on and assistance in the monitoring of health, nutrition, and physical condition
  • Assistance with light household tasks specific to the needs of the person
  • Training and support in adapting to a community and home environment, including management of financial and personal affairs, and awareness of health and safety precautions
  • Assistance in performing Personal Care, household, and homemaking tasks that are specific to the needs of the person, except that this may not comprise the entirety of the service
  • Coordinating transportation to community events
  • To include management of financial and personal affairs and awareness of health and safety precaution
  • Opportunities for the person to seek employment and vocational supports to work in the community in a competitive and integrated setting